
In general, China is a safe country. However, it is necessary to take into account that in tourist sites or with group, there is always the possibility that there are pickpockets; therefore, it is a good idea not to take:

• Jewelry and precious stones

• Irreplaceable personal objects

• Licenses or ID’s that will not be necessary in China (such as driver’s license, unnecessary credit cards, university ID, etc.)

• Any object that you cannot afford to lose

On the other hand, it is important to take:

• Medication that you take in Mexico or that you might need

• International medical insurance (for major expenses)

• Photocopies of your travel documents (passport, airline tickets, hotel reservations, credit cards, etc.).   It is advisable to leave copies in Mexico and save another copy in a safe place, separate from the originals.

Local legislation

List of illegal acts that could be particularly grave in the country in the event of a foreign visitor committing them.

There are two reasons why you may be detained at the airport:

• Lack of valid visa, that will result in deportation and the payment of a fine of up to one hundred US dollars per day, or

• The smuggling of drugs, weapons or explosives, serious crimes that the Chinese law punishes with methods including the death penalty, which are applied very promptly, without distinction of nationality of the accused.

In case you are stopped at the airport, or outside, ask them immediately to put you in contact with the Mexican Consulate nearest you. Keep in mind that Chinese law is very different from Western law, such as the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, which is not a defendant’s right in China, it must be proven. Do not sign documents that are only presented in the Chinese language if you do not understand its content with the help of an authorized translator.

Avoid entering into verbal or physical conflicts with any person, in particular with Chinese nationals, the sanctions can be very severe and due to the culture, the authority will tend to believe the Chinese citizen’s side of the story.


Here are some tips for having a successful negotiation in China:

a)     Resist the temptation to speak when the rest are silent.

b)     Show interest in trying to speak Chinese, they will appreciate it.

c)     Never give watches or money (money can be given on occasions such as new year or at a wedding)

d)     Show humility, kindness and patience.

e)     Drink what you are offered but try to not to over drink.

f)      Ask for help if you need anything, the Chinese will be happy to help you.

g)     Make negative comments in private, discreetly and calmly.

Taken from:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2013). Mexican traveler’s guide: China. April 04, 2014 in SRE web site:


Japan is one of the safest countries in the world. However, its location places it in an area of risk for earthquakes and typhoons. Both are monitored very closely, but are often unpredictable. Buildings are designed to withstand natural disasters. In case of a natural disaster, it is recommended, as a first step, to contact your family members or friends via internet, or through text messages and email from your mobile phone, and let the Mexican Embassy know if you have trouble contacting them.

Inform your relatives in Mexico of your itinerary and the name and phone number of the places where you will be staying. In case of an accident, legal problem or natural disaster, the consular assistance can be more flexible and make it easier for your family to know if you are well.

It is recommended that you do not accept invitations to travel from people you know casually or do not know well.  This recommendation is particularly important if your journey depends on the other person covering your expenses.  You could find yourself in a position of being without money, without a place to stay and alone, in a country where you cannot communicate in order to ask for help.

Do not accept travel deals for work that involve debts for the cost of the trip.

In accordance with the Cannabis Control Law in Japan, the consumption, possession and trafficking of any amount of cannabis is prohibited, and is punishable with several years in prison.

Do not agree to carry packages or drugs to Japan at the request of a friend or acquaintance.  The international transit of drugs has special regulation. You may be committing an offense, which may lead to 5 to 7 years in prison.

Drugs or substances that can be used for the manufacturing of other drugs, the penalty can be imprisonment for several years to life.

If the traveler is less than 20 years old, he or she is not allowed to enter with cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Keep valuables out of sight.

Be alert of thieves in crowded places.

Accommodation recommendations

Always carry with you the addresses and phone numbers for your hotel or the person with whom you are staying. This will come in handy if you become lost. Take into account that even in major cities; many Japanese do not speak English.

Summer in Japan is rainy and very hot. It is advisable to take light, waterproof clothing.

Eating and drinking is much more expensive than in Mexico, but it is possible to find less expensive restaurants.

Do not blow your nose in public. It is of very poor education.

Do not stare into the eyes of a Japanese for doing so.

Learn a few words and phrases in Japanese. It can be very useful.

In general, observe the Japanese’s public behavior and try to imitate it, there are many brief, practical and easy to read books on the topic, especially in English.

Taken from:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2013). Mexican traveler’s guide: Japan. April 04, 2014 in SRE web site:


No vaccinations are required to enter Korea; however, it is recommended that vaccinations are up-to-date for all members of the family, especially hepatitis A and hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus, DTP and typhoid.

Accommodation recommendations

Temporary visitors may use an international driving license during the period of their stay; however, it is important to carry the driver’s license from your home country at the same time.

For permanent residents of Korea, you must obtain a Korean license to drive.

Social Behavior

Like all countries, Korea also has a specific set of rules and customs. The rich tradition of the Korean culture is very well reflected in the Seoul protocol and behavior. It is advisable to follow the local standards of conduct as part of the cultural experience.

During your visit to a Korean household, it is always advisable to take off your shoes.  This is a very important habit, since it is considered a sign of respect.
In Korea, sitting, eating and sleeping on the floor is part of daily life, and it is therefore essential to take off your shoes when entering a house, schools, gyms and restaurants.
Bare feet may be offensive to older people, so we recommend using socks at all times.
If an older person offers you a glass, you should accept it with both hands and turn to the side when drinking, so as not to face the person.
You should never write proper names in red ink, this is perceived as a lack of respect and indicative of death.
While eating, you should not leave your chopsticks inside of the dish; it is considered a bad omen.
Offer business cards with both hands and receive them in the same way.
Tipping is not a common Korean tradition.   A service charge of 10% is added to accounts in all the hotels.

Taken from:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. (2013). Mexican traveler’s guide: South Korea. April 04, 2014 in SRE web site: Http://